How I Became a Successful Global Marketer, Part 3: Sport Is Life!

Carsten Schwerm
4 min readJun 7, 2021

(This was first published with images on October 29, 2018 on LinkedIn.

How did I get to today? What can you learn from my experience? This three-part series will reveal the important milestones that have influenced my career and offer you my key recommendations. Part 3 details my love for sport — though I have never limited myself to just one — and how being an athlete has made me a much better marketer and connector.

A childhood full of sports

First things first, I want to thank my parents for allowing me to choose the track-and-field club over music school in second grade. Considering that they have always been very active and enjoyed many sports, it was probably an easy decision for them. Regardless, it was this call, and the many things I have learned as a team and individual athlete, that have helped me to succeed in both school and professional life. Moreover, sports have taught me to prepare again after each victory and stand back up after any kind of defeat.

Always a runner. (Photo by MarathonFoto).

For most of my childhood, I enjoyed playing table tennis in our basement, training with the track-and-field team, joining other kids and teens for soccer on a nearby semi-finished field, and running and biking on various forest trails. I also spent time on tennis and swim teams, skated around the neighborhood, and gave handball a try. All in all, I had the freedom and time after school and homework to build a solid sports foundation.

High school and university sports

In high school, I was chosen for the soccer team without ever having played for any club team. However, with my ever-growing love for trail running and biking, Wing Tsun Kung Fu (led by Sihing Hans Remmel and Sifu Keith R. Kernspecht), and fitness, I did not make any news with the ball.

My college and grad school years only allowed me to continue with running and fitness; soccer and martial arts had to make space for lecture and study time. This made me realize how much having a team meant to me. I could make connections with and train with others at the gym, though that was far from leading and being part of a team.

Boston sports variety

Fast-forward to life in Boston. I have managed to get back into team sports and am super happy about it. I have been on dragon boat teams for five years (sponsored by the Asian American Civic Association, the Boston Professional Network, and other organizations), found cycling buddies who commute with me, joined the November Project, and made friends at many running races such as JP Morgan Corporate Challenge, Boston Athletic Association 10k and half-marathon, and Boston’s Run to Remember’s half-marathon. Of course, I have never stopped being a loyal and very active gym member.

The 2018 AACA dragon boat championship team. (From my own photo gallery.)

Sport has changed my life

I am not done yet but have already created two special lists of sports that I want to pay more attention to soon. List №1 is filled with activities that I want to invest more time in, such as hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, and trail running. List №2 contains a few sports that I have dreamed about trying, such as kite surfing and snowboarding.

I firmly believe that my love for sports has empowered me to do two things (among others):

  1. Lead teams hands-on as well as challenge them to raise their game as both individuals and one collective unit. Remind everybody that we win and lose as one team. Take one for the team in times of need, and praise team members for their accomplishments.
  2. Be very balanced and very positive. Focus on my strengths, my goals, and the tasks at hand while constantly seeking improvement and learning. Do not let doubts or negative emotions distract myself and limit my team’s abilities and performance.

Fitness and sport(s) ambassador

Every single sport has had an impact on my life. Because of this, I have been trying to inspire others to start small with something or get serious about working out. I have encouraged friends and contacts to try a gym, start running, get on a bike, or join a dragon boat team, and have recruited product testers across several categories for Reebok.

(From my own photo gallery.)

How can you become a successful global marketer?

Here are some of the key lessons I have learned over the years:

  • Refill your batteries daily.
  • Take advantage of variety.
  • Step outside.
  • Take it seriously — whenever you can.
  • Keep going.
  • Look out for your teammates.
  • Support others.
  • Be an example for others.
  • No excuses.
  • Rain or shine.

Please let me know what fitness and/or sport(s) means to you in the comments. What do you think about my key lessons learned?

